How Much Do Kindergarten Teachers Make In New Zealand

How Much Do Kindergarten Teachers Make in New Zealand?

Kindergarten teachers are an integral part of any education system, as they are responsible for teaching the youngest learners and nurturing them as they grow. In New Zealand, kindergarten teachers have an important role to play. To understand their role better, let us have a look at how much they make in New Zealand.

Salary Overview

The salary for kindergarten teachers in New Zealand depends largely on experience and qualifications. The average salary for a kindergarten teacher with at least 10 years experience is around NZ$53,000 per year. For teachers with five to 10 years experience, salaries tend to range from NZ$42,000 to NZ$47,000 per year. For teachers with less than five years experience, salaries range from NZ$35,000 to NZ$40,000. It is also important to note that salaries may vary from region to region and may be affected by the size of the kindergarten.

Supplementary Income

Kindergarten teachers in New Zealand also have the opportunity to earn additional income. This includes income from tutoring, developing curriculum, and participating in workshops. Teachers can also add to their income by taking on additional work such as providing classes or doing administrative tasks.


In addition to the salary that kindergarten teachers receive, there are a number of benefits that come with the job. These include:

  • Paid holidays
  • Flexible working hours
  • Medical and dental insurance
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Pension schemes

Work-Life Balance

Kindergarten teachers enjoy a good work-life balance. For instance, since kindergarten teachers work in the mornings, they can spend the rest of the day with their family or pursuing hobbies. Moreover, since the working hours are flexible, teachers can choose to work part-time if they wish. This makes it easier to balance familial and personal responsibilities with work.

Career Progression

Kindergarten teachers in New Zealand have the opportunity to advance their careers through higher education. teachers can opt for courses on early childhood education or get certified to teach in primary schools. This is a great way to progress in the field of education and earn better salaries.

Certification Requirements

In New Zealand, teachers must be certified or accredited before they can legally teach in a kindergarten. This involves attending approved courses, passing written and practical examinations, having a minimum of five years of teaching experience, and having relevant qualifications.

Working Conditions

Kindergarten teachers in New Zealand typically work in pleasant environments. They get to interact with children and teach them in a warm and caring manner. This makes the job enjoyable and satisfying for teachers, which further motivates them to do better in their profession.

Study: Effects of Kindergarten Teacher’s Income on Student Performance

A recent study by the University of Canterbury looked at the effects of kindergarten teacher’s income on student performance. The study, which was conducted over a period of 5 years, indicated that higher income teachers tend to be more effective in teaching kindergarten students. The study also found that students of high-income teachers tend to do better in tests and have higher attendance rates compared to students of low-income teachers.

Public Perception

Kindergarten teachers are generally very well respected by the public. The fact that kindergarten teachers are entrusted with the care and education of young children speaks volumes about their value in society. The public also recognizes the important role that they play in society by providing quality education to the next generation.

Attrition Rate

Kindergarten teachers in New Zealand have a relatively low attrition rate. This is because they enjoy working with children and have a flexible work-life balance. Furthermore, the salary and benefits offered by kindergartens are very competitive which is why most teachers stay on in the field.


Overall, kindergarten teachers in New Zealand earn a decent salary and enjoy good job security and numerous benefits. They also have the opportunity to progress in their career and enjoy a balanced work-life. This makes the job of kindergarten teaching an attractive profession and one that is worth considering for those who are looking to pursue a career in the field of education.

Diana Booker

Diana D. Booker is a freelance writer and editor based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has over 20 years' experience writing and editing for various publications. Diana is passionate about telling stories that capture the spirit of the country she loves and enjoys exploring its unique culture and landscape.

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